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A newborn baby has only three demands. They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breastfeeding satisfies all three.
~ Grantly Dick-Read ~

At For Babies' Sake....

our primary desire is to come alongside breastfeeding families and their infants as they work together to overcome feeding difficulties.

We are here to walk with you on your journey.

We have a combined experience level of 30+ years. In these years, we have encountered a wide variety of simple to complex breastfeeding and feeding issues. In an effort to continuously grow and develop our knowledge base, we have completed advanced level IBCLC courses. We want to help you as you work through your situation.

Even if you have already seen a lactation consultant, different IBCLCs are able to offer different perspectives and a second opinion may lead to new solutions. Just because your problem persists does not mean breastfeeding is not possible for you. It just means that maybe you need to add someone else to your troubleshooting team.

Our Story...

We (Deirdre and Mellanie) met in 2003 at the original For Babies’ Sake support group. We were both new moms working our way through our own breastfeeding struggles. A friendship formed and eventually a partnership geared toward supporting other women developed. Through our own breastfeeding difficulties, we discovered just how challenging it can be to find professional support. Our circumstances with our own children led us to increase our personal and professional knowledge about how to assist infants with issues like oral ties, structural concerns, tonal issues, sensory processing difficulties, protein intolerances, oral motor issues, etc. We also learned how our own health struggles affected the breastfeeding relationship with our children. Now, we are both IBCLCs with years of personal and professional experience that allow us to compassionately partner with and educate new mothers and families.

Meet our staff

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.