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Deirdre Cannon, IBCLC ~ Grand Prairie office

I have been working with nursing moms since I became a La Leche League Leader in 2005 and then became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 2009. I have three beautiful children that were all breastfed. My first son and I struggled extensively to establish our nursing relationship. The struggles I had with him were educational and inspired a desire to help other mothers in similarly difficult situations. Through the years, I have learned that I’m a “why?” kind of girl. I seek the reason for the issues at hand, instead of just assisting to find compensations. So many things beyond “the latch” can affect the efficiency of breastfeeding. I want your nursing relationship to be all that you want it to be!

I have assisted moms and families in all kinds of situations from prenatal information all the way to weaning. Every nursing couple is different, so I continuously strive to learn as much as I can to help moms and their nurslings.

When I’m not working with mamas and sweet babies, I enjoy time with my husband and family. I still love to take in a good local theater production with my college sweetheart hubby. I homeschool my kiddos and shuttle them to all of their activities. Since serving women and children is where I feel called, I am active in the children’s ministry and the women’s ministry at my church. And because learning is a lifelong skill, I have recently begun to delve into the study of homeopathy and all of its benefits and uses.

Grand Praire Office

Deirdre’s office is located inside Crossroads Natural Health.